place they are very expensive, and secondly they are awkward Anyhow, what woman would think of sitting around in an eve- ning gown, and even if you could go out in it where would you go?? Unless you are very fortunate and have a very femin- ine figure, or can assume one you couldn't go to a formal affair and even then you'd need an escort. If I were that fortunate I wouldn't care to restrict myself to jusi those places where a formal could be worn when I could wear a nice suit, dress, or skirt and blouse and go to hundreds more places. Again I say stick to the average daily dress and have more fun. Above all be nice and act like a proper lady if you are fortunate enough to be able to go out in public. Remember any TVs actions reflect on all of us ..Let's not be known by a vulgar name or phrase
I have a very nice wardrobe that I feel any girl my size would envy No, it is not lavish, but very acceptable and up to date. I believe we TVs should look like any other woman that you might see on the street or elsewhere. It has always been my goal to be able to get dressed up and go out somewhere and be accepted as just another woman. To me this would be the high point of my life....to be able to dress and act cleverly enough to have other women accept me as one of them...what could be better" proof of the pud- ding" to any TV???
I am enclosing a money order for the next issue and am looking forward to it.
Betty--San Diego
TRANSVESTIA has also reached this continent and its inhabitants and must I add my approval with that of all the other readers of this magazine Mr.(?) Editor: we are happy that you had the courage to give us this-our own mag- azine. TVism in most countries of Europe is forbidden ex- cept for t`eatrical purposes sometimes. Nevertheless the man or woman who is seriously interested in this subject can usually find his or her way to expression.